These little whisky-coloured citrines are set in silver bezels, dropped into reticulated silver ‘donuts’.
Reticulation is a technique, one which is a lot like a sporting event, in that it can never be repeated. It produces a unique texture and it is sometimes referred to as the black art of metal smithing. No two pieces turn out the same. The metal, (sterling silver is an alloy of 92% silver and 8% copper) is readied to bring the fine silver to the surface (depletion guilding). The copper core has a higher melting point and a liquid forms within the silver skin when a hot flame is moved across the metal. This creates an organic texture of peaks and valleys.
Citrines are a yellow, golden variety of quartz. They are the birthstone for November, and are a powerful cleanser and regenerator. These gemstones stimulate the brain, strengthen intellect, and encourage creativity. I love how they warm up silver, giving a beautiful contrast.